OpenAI’s Brand Guidelines: Don’t Use GPT in Your Product Name!

OpenAI, a prominent player in the AI industry, has been reaching out to people through its partner company, Brand Shield, requesting them to remove the name GPT associated with their products. If you have a product with the name GPT in it, OpenAI is coming for you.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at OpenAI’s brand guidelines, which clearly state that product or site titles with GPT could confuse end-users and trigger enforcement mechanisms.

What is the issue?

OpenAI is known for its state-of-the-art AI language models, including GPT-3, GPT-4, and Charge GPT. However, OpenAI has recently raised concerns over product names that include GPT. OpenAI’s brand guidelines suggest that model names, such as GPT, are off-limits in products and site titles.

Recently, Brand Shield, OpenAI’s partner company, reached out to Banu, a developer who created a product called site In their message, Brand Shield made it clear that Banu’s use of the name GPT in their product name could create confusion among end-users and trigger OpenAI’s enforcement mechanisms.

What are OpenAI’s brand guidelines?

According to the brand rules for OpenAI, using the name GPT in the titles of products or websites may confuse people. As a result, OpenAI has encouraged developers to avoid using GPT in the names of their products or websites. They advise switching to language like “powered by GPT-3,” “powered by GPT-4,” or “powered by Charge GPT.”

It is significant to note that while OpenAI has submitted trademark applications for GPT-3 and GPT-4, they have not yet trademarked GPT itself. Developers should refer to OpenAI models using the relevant model names or database versions, according to the brand rules for OpenAI.

Do not utilise GPT in product or website titles, according to OpenAI’s explicit rules. Use “powered by” instead, along with the correct model name or database version.

What are the dos and don’ts?

If you’re using OpenAI’s API or products, you can say “powered by” and the appropriate model name, such as GPT-3, GPT-4, Charge GPT, or DALL-E. On the other hand, if you’re using OpenAI’s plugins, you can say “Bark Bytes plugin for Charge GPT” or “Charge GPT plugin.”

OpenAI’s brand guidelines state that you cannot use OpenAI’s model names in the product or site titles. For instance, you cannot say “Meovolytics AI by OpenAI with GPT-4.” Instead, you should say “Meovolytics powered by GPT-4.”

It is also essential to use the correct spelling, without typos or spaces, and not to change the model name. Moreover, developers are advised to refer to the appropriate model names, such as GPT-3, GPT-4, Charge GPT, or DALL-E, and not use engine classes.


GPT is not permitted in product or website titles, according to OpenAI’s brand rules. Instead, substitute the relevant model name or database version with “powered by.” Although some developers may not agree with these rules, adherence to them is necessary to prevent user confusion and the risk of activating OpenAI’s enforcement mechanisms.


My name is Chetan Mali,
I have a background in mechanical engineering, but my true passion lies in the field of artificial intelligence. I started this blog as a way to share my knowledge and experience with others who are interested in learning more about AI.

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