How To Make AI QR Code ? | Generate AI QR Codes Using Free Tools on Google Colab

Generate AI QR Codes Using Free Tools on Google Colab: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: In today’s digital age, QR codes have become increasingly popular for sharing information and links. In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate QR codes using free tools on Google Colab. With the help of stable diffusion and a control net model, we can create customized QR codes with various designs and unlimited possibilities. Whether you want to promote your YouTube channel or share a message, this tutorial will guide you through the process. Let’s get started!

How to Generate AI QR Codes Using Free Tools on Google Colab

Setting up the Environment

To begin, open your Google Colab notebook and ensure that you have enabled GPU support. This will enhance the performance of the code. You can verify GPU support by running the command nvidia-smi and checking for GPU-related information. If GPU support is not enabled, you can change the runtime type to enable it.

Cloning the Repository

Next, clone the Hugging Face repository, which contains the necessary code and resources for generating QR codes. Enter the cloned directory to access the files required for the process.

Installing Dependencies

Before proceeding, it’s important to install the required dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file. These include the Diffusion library, Transformers, Accelerate, Pillow, and QR code. Use the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.

H2: Configuring the Environment

To ensure compatibility with Google Colab, set the environment variable IN_COLAB=True. This variable enables the creation of shareable links that remain valid for a specific period.

Running the QR Code Generator

Now, execute the command !python to download the required model and generate example QR codes. This process may take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your system. Once the models are downloaded and the QR codes are generated, a public URL will be provided.

Customizing AI QR Codes

Access the provided URL, which opens the AI QR code generator interface. Here, you can enter the content for the QR code, such as a YouTube link or any desired message. Additionally, you can choose an initial image prompt to guide the QR code generation. Experiment with the guidance scale to adjust the creativity and closeness to the prompt. Negative prompts can also be specified to avoid unwanted effects.

Generating the AI QR Code

Click “Run” to generate the QR code based on your inputs. The image will be displayed, and you can save it for further use. Alternatively, you can test the generated QR code using a QR code scanner or Google Lens.

Exploring Further Options

Feel free to explore different prompts, seed values, and settings to create a variety of QR codes. The possibilities are endless, and you can generate unique designs with each attempt.

Link for google colab :- Click Here

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Q1: Can I use this method to generate AI QR codes for my YouTube channel?

A: Yes, you can generate QR codes for your YouTube channel or any desired content using the provided steps. Simply enter the URL or text you wish to convert into a QR code, and the generator will handle the rest.

Q2: Will the generated AI QR codes work with QR code scanners?

A: Yes, the AI QR codes generated using this method are compatible with standard QR code scanners. You can test them using various scanning apps or devices.

Q3: Are there any limitations to the number of AI QR codes I can generate?

A: No, there are no limitations on the number of QR codes you can generate using this method. You have the freedom to create as many codes as you need, all with the designs and content of your choice.

Q: What tools are required to generate AI QR codes on Google Colab?

A: The required tools include Stable Diffusion, Transformers, Accelerate, PyTorch, Transformers, Pillow, and QR Code libraries.

hugging face qr code generator free

You can use it free

Can i use ai qr code stable diffusion for free?


Final Words:

Generating QR codes using free tools on Google Colab is a simple and efficient way to create custom AI QR codes. By leveraging Stable Diffusion and the Hugging Face Spaces repository, users can easily generate AI QR codes with unique designs and content. Follow the step-by-step guide provided in this article to get started and unleash your creativity. Enjoy exploring the possibilities of AI-generated QR codes and share them with others.


My name is Chetan Mali,
I have a background in mechanical engineering, but my true passion lies in the field of artificial intelligence. I started this blog as a way to share my knowledge and experience with others who are interested in learning more about AI.

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