Google Workspace AI: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Google services like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Meet are many of us. In fact, our lives would stop without Gmail. However, Google has now introduced something that can take productivity to the next level – the integration of AI into Google Workspace.

what is Google Workspace AI?

Recently google is announced there new AI into Google Workspace, which will allow users to perform their tasks more efficiently. AI integration will enable automation of tasks such as collecting email threads, creating presentations and generating personalized emails, among others.

Google Workspace AI in action

  • Google Docs: With help of Google Workspace AI, users can simply type a command into Google Docs and the AI ​​will do the rest. For example, if you need to write a headline, outline or summary, AI will do it for you.
  • Gmail: from Google Workspace AI , user will create long emails and save their time that improve thier productivity also, and this ai can guide you to write emails.
  • Google Sheets: Now AI in Google Sheets can generate/create personalized emails using there AI code in a formula. The AI ​​code can be site-based and can provide users with a detailed message that they can send to their customers.
  • Google Meet: Google Meet’s AI can automatically generate notes based on the conversation, making it easier for users to keep track of important information.

Availability and prices

Google Workspace AI is currently only available to private testers. No release date has been announced, but it is expected to be available within the next 3 months. Pricing for Google Workspace AI has yet to be confirmed. However, users are expected to pay extra for using AI as it consumes resources. Google may initially offer this for free, but may charge an additional fee later.


The Google Workspace AI revolutionises productivity. By automating tedious procedures, it will free up users’ time to work on more crucial duties. The addition of AI to Google Workspace will boost productivity in addition to simplifying activities. To be competitive as artificial intelligence spreads, it’s critical to stay up to date with this technology.


My name is Chetan Mali,
I have a background in mechanical engineering, but my true passion lies in the field of artificial intelligence. I started this blog as a way to share my knowledge and experience with others who are interested in learning more about AI.

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